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empty promise
happiE bdaE orange ANGEL -.- bobian f0rced to call her angel t0dae de l0lx my best gossipy partner l0rve ya l0ts! *muacks* happie bdaE yaxin darrling and all the best in wadeva u d0! u lighten up my life thanx (: i l0rve ya~ 21 oCt zer0 5 raawkx! Graduati0n o5 raawkx! 4c o5 raawkx! (: Woke up late on the last daE of sch hahaax cant go sch wiib him cos he needa meet up someone aiyah nvm ba hmx went to find s0tong yanx hahaax long tyme neber go find her le this yr had been really busy so no tyme sorrie gurrl but I really gonna miss the gud tymes wiib her haix last daE of sch le naH I believe we will still get to go out de we will still stay as the best of fwenx de! (: Sch said dat we hadda attend the fiirst five peri0ds of class after which is graduation ceremony but overall counted as no class?during chinese lesson chit chat fer whole period u must be thiinking how is it possible to have no class when maths is at the 2nd and 3rd period riites?hahaax c0s mY purply id0l only gave us 1qn to d0 and after which he perf0rmed some magic tricks wiib the card l0lx he sooo funniE yeps helped him set up the visualiser fer the LAST tyme kinda sad larx *s0bs* gotta miss mY purply id0l bi0 double periods were free periods c0s rafidah hadda bring her f0rm class to bird park to0k pix chit chat gossip and blahs gotta cheriish this tyme wiib fwenx liiaox the last tyme we are t0gether in this same classrm after recess went hall fer graduation ceremony a much more simpler ceremony compared to the previous yrs but nvm larx still quite fun sang the sch song thiink it shld be louder den when the whole sch is singing together?everybody sang and it shld be our last tyme to sing our sch song le thiink 4c is the m0st enthu class in the whole hall?hahaax can keep hearing us screaming de wo0ts! (: Though miie g0t a sore throat but dun care le even if I l0se my voice fer weeks I g0nna scream all out! L0lx they played a few vide0 clips showing us pix when we were sec1 hahaax all lo0k sooo nerd sia kekex after dat showed some of the teachers speeches will rmb screamed sooo loudly when the teachers mention our class in their speeches kinda touched by wad they had said ms chan de zheng qi jia you l1l1l1 hahaax 1more month and all of us gonna giib birth le ms chan we wont let u d0wn de! Mr leE apa~ l0lx I will get score well fer phy so dat I will get my ch0co! hahaax thanx t0 mrs s0h! also thanx mdm rafidah and ms ek larx hahaax Mr chia aka purplY id0l I wont disappoint u in b0th maths!i will work hard to get at least a c6 fer amaths de!stay purply worx kekex xP Ms yaU I will work hard to get an a1 in chinese de stay kyute alwaex! Mr nG thanx fer everything! U raawkx! T0 miss yaU and mr nG 4c gonna make u proud of us! (:hadda sang along session 2 songs only larx hahaax everyb0dy sto0d on chairs hands around each others shoulders singing sooo happily fiirst song thats what friends are for and second song graduation(friends forever) wo0ts! Thiink this batch de graduating classes very mad yas?l0lx c0s even the organising committee didnt even planned this and expected it l0lx 5b started running up to the stage to sing and hug ard l0lx a few moments later everyb0dy began running up the stage we are crazyy! L0lx! Dun thiink anyb0dy cried?no feel larx hahaax n0rt touching enufF hahaax cheered fer 4c and mr ng hahaax everyb0dy began screaming after dat and dat included mr ng!!!l0lx!~ 4c raawkx!!! (: hadda buffet after dat everybody hang ard chatting makan taking pix after dat to0k a pix wiib mr chia >.<> went h0me t0 bathe den rushed t0 sch fer rC their drills really improved a lot but then they disappointed miie during community singing?shldnt sae is they larx but some kokmeng is really hopeless just hope dat he will get out of rC and nort set such a lousy example to the juniors just hope dat some of them will spare thoughts fer their fell0w cadets yas?joselin is leading the cheer and wad did some of them do?busy chatting some n0rt participating and one even told another ehhs we dun sing larx let her sing herself h0w can dat person sae this?i mean everybody deserves to be respected by others and I thiink she deserves the respect as well cos she did her efforts in leading the cheer well I mean if u were the one leading the cheer and people did that to u,how will u feel?spare a thought fer others pls thanx yeps lost control of my emotions again haix sorrie t0 allrushed to 4c bBq wo0ts! 30 people went lehx wo0ho0s!At fiirst really g0t no mood liiaox but thanx guys!u all raawkx yas? (: Hahaax the moment I reached the playgrd jiehwee sae dat the rest are anitcipating my arrival at the pit l0lx!must be up to sth no gud de hahaax walked towards the pit and indeed it was sooo malu the whole grp of them were lyke shiman! Shiman! Shiman! L0lx! Sooo loud lehx *pengs* l0lx aniiwae thankew dC fer getting miie the streps! L0rve ya gurrl u to0 takkaires worx! Special thanx t0 jmin baoling qiuyu yaxin zhen kelly jinhua (: hadda l0tsa fun eating playing taking pix and blahs blahs l0lx!ard 16 of us climbed up the pyramid den we to0ka l0t of pix dere l0lx sooo fun hahaax (: we played until sooo fun lorx lyke we g0t no upcoming o lvls lyke dat sia l0lx sooo fun l0oking forward to the next outing~ 4c zero5 raawkx big tyme!!! I l0rve 4c! (: 18 oCt zero5 O level bi0 prac yeps it is a sure die paper thiink everyb0dy in my class said dat it is a shit paper? hmx fiirst qn on dat to0piid small plant alreadi 18marks le dunn0 abt 4a but h0pefully they all also find it difficult ba so dat the overall average will be pulled down mah 19 oCt zero5 Had lessons as per n0rmal lucky neber pon sch t0dae or would have missed the phy tipx hahaax to0piid xia0di and wesley larx made miie go all the way t0 jE nearly slipped and fell on the way dere twice lehx sooo malu sia l0lx and bec0s of them I caught a c0ld dat niite c0s I was drenched they had better sc0re in the phy chem prac or I shall kill them l0lx! 20 oCt zero5 O level phy chem prac wah to0piid set up of phy experiment to0k sooo much tyme people take 10min I to0k 20 lehx wad the but den phy prac quite easy larx thanx t0 mr lee (: chem prac was n0rt dat easy hmx 1st qn already t0ld us n0rt to smell the gas given ofF c0s it is poisonous as heard frm mr ng?hahaax I scared g0t oxygen mah so went to smell it to double check g0t no oxygen dat smell was sooo idi0tically smelly l0rx hahaax last qn was a tricky one but mr ng say ans is zinc nitrate siianx wrg wrote aluminium nitrate c0s in excess sodium hydroxide in soluble but in excess ammonia is insoluble mah but mr ng sae both is soluble siianx diE aniiwaE it is emily de bdaE todaE!!!happiE bdaE yi da0 li mi l0lx!nice t0 knw such a gud fwen lyke u!s0rrie arx pass u ur prezzie after o lvls yas?may u sc0re in o lvls & stay cheerfuL alwaeX! After o lvls must go all over spore to makan all the diFferent fo0d wahahahaax! (: alriites going to chat wiib jm le (: byeE tmr graduati0n daE le wo0ho0s! Back again t0 update a few entries at a tyme hahaax lazy larx besides I siick fer the past few daex 13oct xiangxiang bdae!wo0ts happie bdaE gurrL!u raawkx c0s u l0rve purple hahaax lalalaax Yeps hadda to0piid gastric t0dae really very very pain lors pain until cried in class el less0n was lyke a war t0 miie hadda battle against the pain maths lessons was also very bad but was getting better near the end of the lesson thanx ash fer helping miie set up the visualiser dat toopiid yankiat pon class den whole class onli yankiat and miie knw how to set up mah hahaax thanx zhanhui fer helping miie keep the visualiser after ms chan had used it hadda amaths m0ck exam siianx sure die 14oct Thanx my DEAR xiaomin fer getting miie fo0d though I neber ask u t0 get miie some thankew!i l0rve ya!still having gastric but definitely feeling much better thanx adrian fer giibing miie chem tuition after sch sorrie lehx cos I really dun understand den u hadda kept repeating it to miie and it delayed ur tyme to play soccer sorrie ahhax told dC some things den kept forgetting where I st0pped she was lyke wanna kill miie l0lx went makan wiib mrng min xiang dC and dearr crapped a lot larx 15thoct Went jE library wiib alan yeps at firist he asked miie join him and ziyii studi de but dun wan larx miie such a big light bulb lorx hahaax went to bo0k a table nanren came wiib her jie hahaax to0piid dearr and xiang late they still went to makan lJs bef0re dat wiibout telling miie *arghs* hahaax c0s they thought I had a heavy breakfast le mah hahaax but neber mind later ziyii and alan pei miie dere hahaax did some work larx crapped and luff a lot to0 l0lx esp when xinrong came we luff sooo much lorx hahaax hadda leave at ard 2pm ba min came and I left hahaax just nice 1seat fer her hms went lJs wiib ziyii and alan aniwae ziyii really very kyute lehx but I thiink I seen her bef0re somewhere hahaax spore small mah hadda a long long chat wiib junjie hahaax shldnt call him jj cos too many of my fwenx call jj le hahaax yeps chunkiat he very funnie hahaax aniiwae after o lvls he bo0ked miie fer a dae t0 go out wiuweets!!! Kekex datx abt all aniiwae having bi0 prac on tue and phy/chem prac on thur pray dat I will n0rt cut my hand and n0rt scald my hand while doing the pracs hahaax praying hard dat I will d0 well *pray* everyb0dy jiiayou worx (: There is some problems wiib my to0piid blog dunno wads wrg larx had been siick fer the past tw0 wks gastric is back *god* pls go away aniiwae in sh0rt let miie summarise everything frm 1stoct till nw 1stoct went to attend ahdi jie wedding but too bad n0rt at the oriental hahaax but neber mind c0s can see guankor wad kekex he really very shuaii he ask miie score well in o lvls den next yr go np business it l0lx at fiirst wanna exchange numbers liiaox den to0piid ma called miie wad the l0lx neber mind larx just kinda sad lorx hahaax 4thoct is my purply idol bdae!!!wo0ts!mr chia raawkx!!!kekex he msg miie on the 3rd telling miie abt the ncc d0nation card thingy hahaax he sooo funnie lorx sae wad he alwaex lo0k dat young and he is alwaex 18 l0lx!he sooo kyute sia hahaax mY very fiirst id0l in my whole life lehx yeps dun id0lise people t0 this extent de but guess mY purply maths teacher gonna be the fiirst? Yeah hahaax gave hima belated prezzie 1wk later c0s really no tyme to buy mah aniiwae happie bdae t0 mrchia!!! 10thoct adrian bdae!happie bdae dude hahaax went to get his prezzie after sch wiib dC went gift a name to buy fer jb fiirst wahs dat really is tyme wasting sia and dat really made miie sooo hungry to0piid jb smack him arx hahaax went makan at mY faves lJs wo0ts!lJs raawkx!yeps went to buy prezzie fer mr chia and adrian went t0 get some choc0 to0 spent 50bucks within 2hr seh at jp only lehx hahaax alriites went br0ke after dat ahhax happie bdae adrian! 11stoct is a happie dae *shalala* passed t0 mr chia his prezzie it is a personalised keychain frm giftaname and there is a small purple bell at the t0p and a bluish kyute fat whale at the bottom of the keychain hehex he msg miie t0 sae dat he lyke it a l0t actually dun believe dat he realli lyke it sooo much de but after wad I heard frm many teachers den I knw l0lx he went to tell a l0t of teachers and showed them how kyute and nice the keychain is hahaax he still told them it is frm miie and he sae jux nice I g0t him a keychain c0s he really needed one badly l0lx! *touched* at least he really lyke it kekex kept grinning frm ear to ear lalalaax Aniiwae t0dae is a very impt dae!16m0nths wiib wfg0r le hahaax h0pe dat everything will go on fine yas?i will also jiiayou t0 make it happen de u to0 must jiiayou worx l0rve ya g0r (: It had been 2YEARS wiib ksg0r le!!!wo0ts!!!thankew g0rg0r fer making this right choice 2YEARS ag0 yeah it shall g0 on to be the 3rd 4th 5th …years kekex I l0rve ya g0r! (: *muacks* piggy g0r n meii f0reva``__ |